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Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Fabulous! Festival

Fabulous! Festival, a blog carnival about fashion, has been issued by ICY over at Individual Chic. They are always kind enough to include me, even though some of my submissions question the value or place of fashion. I figure who better to make an impact on fashion culture than those who are actually interested in it? Besides, we all know it does matter. Whether that's right or wrong, if it didn't we'd all just wear the same jeans and t-shirts and have the same bob haircut. But, we like to express ourselves in with our own fashion sense, it's all just a matter of keeping it in perspective for our daughters (and our overall financial health).

This issue was supposed to be about handbags, of course, I submitted whatever I wanted anyway, because half the time I don't think the rules apply to me. The other half I'm irritated that you don't think they apply to you.

I just got a new handbag because I loathed the one I had. I am truly never satisfied with my purse. I am not a changer of purses to match my shoes and belt - so very Southern. I just want a cute functional one that goes with everything. It's hit or miss and after about 6 months I throw my purse away because I loath it so much. Of course, I don't buy expensive ones so I can just discard them.

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Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Fabulous! Festival

Fabulous! Festival, a blog carnival about fashion, has been issued by ICY over at Individual Chic. They are always kind enough to include me, even though some of my submissions question the value or place of fashion. I figure who better to make an impact on fashion culture than those who are actually interested in it? Besides, we all know it does matter. Whether that's right or wrong, if it didn't we'd all just wear the same jeans and t-shirts and have the same bob haircut. But, we like to express ourselves in with our own fashion sense, it's all just a matter of keeping it in perspective for our daughters (and our overall financial health).

This issue was supposed to be about handbags, of course, I submitted whatever I wanted anyway, because half the time I don't think the rules apply to me. The other half I'm irritated that you don't think they apply to you.

I just got a new handbag because I loathed the one I had. I am truly never satisfied with my purse. I am not a changer of purses to match my shoes and belt - so very Southern. I just want a cute functional one that goes with everything. It's hit or miss and after about 6 months I throw my purse away because I loath it so much. Of course, I don't buy expensive ones so I can just discard them.

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