Friday, May 25, 2007
Girls Can Be Soldiers Too
We are supposed to be remembering our lost veterans on this day.
We have a war going on right now, so it's good to talk to our kids about that.
Lots of not-so-noticed veterans are women.
Do our daughters know that soldier is a career option for them?
I wasn't sure Ainsley knew she could be in the military or be a soldier and so I asked her.
She was not aware of this option. Nor did she realize that her aunt Janet served five years in the Army. (I love the picture of her in her camo with a machine gun that makes her look like she could cream my little brother.)
I don't want her to become a soldier particularly, however I do want her to view previously no-girls-allowed professions as within her reach.
Thank you to the soldiers in my life - my dad, retired from the Air Force and Utah Air National Guard after 30 years, and my sister-in-law Janet, who is subject to being called back up (end the war, she just had a baby!) after serving in the Army for five years. And my Grandpa, Don, a World War II veteran. Thankfully, all my veterans are still living. Also a cousin currently serving active-duty with a nuclear submarine in the Navy.
Happy Memorial Day!
Friday, May 25, 2007
Girls Can Be Soldiers Too
We are supposed to be remembering our lost veterans on this day.
We have a war going on right now, so it's good to talk to our kids about that.
Lots of not-so-noticed veterans are women.
Do our daughters know that soldier is a career option for them?
I wasn't sure Ainsley knew she could be in the military or be a soldier and so I asked her.
She was not aware of this option. Nor did she realize that her aunt Janet served five years in the Army. (I love the picture of her in her camo with a machine gun that makes her look like she could cream my little brother.)
I don't want her to become a soldier particularly, however I do want her to view previously no-girls-allowed professions as within her reach.
Thank you to the soldiers in my life - my dad, retired from the Air Force and Utah Air National Guard after 30 years, and my sister-in-law Janet, who is subject to being called back up (end the war, she just had a baby!) after serving in the Army for five years. And my Grandpa, Don, a World War II veteran. Thankfully, all my veterans are still living. Also a cousin currently serving active-duty with a nuclear submarine in the Navy.
Happy Memorial Day!
Anonymous said...
KLTV did a whole memorial montage of veterans saying a few words...dozens of vets, and not ONE female. That had me a little peeved.
Your voice was in my head saying "call the news station right now, write a letter, do SOMETHING!"
LOL! You are rubbing off on me (in a good way I suppose.) -
May 29, 2007 at 10:38 PM
- Tracee Sioux, Sioux Ink: Soul Purpose Publishing said...
A lot of our military veterans are women. Whether they were nurses or office staff in former generations we never get to hear about the women who shipped out overseas to fight for democracy. We should talk more about it to our girls.
I know one young girl who joined the marines, I think it was so brave and bad-ass of her. It's not something any of her Christian private school friends considered.
Even a comment on one of my blogfabulous posts was signed Men in Uniform, as if he was speaking for the military. But, quite a lot of the military are female now. Men and women would have been more accurate.
Tracee, next time call KLTV! -
May 30, 2007 at 8:54 AM
KLTV did a whole memorial montage of veterans saying a few words...dozens of vets, and not ONE female. That had me a little peeved.
Your voice was in my head saying "call the news station right now, write a letter, do SOMETHING!"
LOL! You are rubbing off on me (in a good way I suppose.)
A lot of our military veterans are women. Whether they were nurses or office staff in former generations we never get to hear about the women who shipped out overseas to fight for democracy. We should talk more about it to our girls.
I know one young girl who joined the marines, I think it was so brave and bad-ass of her. It's not something any of her Christian private school friends considered.
Even a comment on one of my blogfabulous posts was signed Men in Uniform, as if he was speaking for the military. But, quite a lot of the military are female now. Men and women would have been more accurate.
Tracee, next time call KLTV!
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