I have this friend who had a chronic terrible itchy horrible nightmarish recurring yeast infection for 3 years. Well, actually she thought it was a yeast infection, but she kept going to the doctor and the yeast infection culture kept coming back negative. He ran a bunch of tests and she tested negative for all the other vaginal infections as well. She was constantly spending money to try the Diflucan and the over the counter yeast infection medicine and none of it was really helping.
She noticed that it always flared up after sex. She started to think maybe it was psychosomatic, you know maybe her vagina was just getting pissed off about the nature of its sex life or something. Like that Sex in the City episode where Charlotte’s vagina gets depressed? Like that. Her vagina felt angry and pissed off more than depressed. It would wake her in the night screaming and agitated. This problem with her vagina was really getting to her, leaking into her personality and making her more frustrated and agitated than normal. Hell, can you imagine how frustrated and upset you’d be if YOU had an incurable yeast infection for 3 years?
Finally, after a couple of years of Ob/GYN appointments the doctor tells her that he’s giving her a prescription steroid – finally relief. The prescription was called clotrimazole.
A few months later her baby got a terrible diaper rash. The nurse said to go get Lotramine AF for his rash. The nurse also happens to mention, if it’s cheaper, she should buy the jock itch cream because it’s the exact same ingredients.
So she’s comparing prices and reads the ingredients and sees the familiar word clotrimazole on the jock itch cream. The same stuff her doctor prescribed for her itchy irritated vagina.
She goes home and asks her husband, Honey, do you have jock itch?
Yeah, why do you ask? he says.
We’re not having sex again until you go get a prescription for jock itch, she tells him.
There are three lessons to this story:
*Sometimes what feels like a chronic yeast infection could be jock itch being passed back and forth between you and your partner. Try the Lotrimin isle.
*A terrible diaper rash may also be jock itch, try the Lotrimin isle.
*For some reason, even the OB/GYN, a man specializing in the vagina and used to talking about a vagina's issues, was too embarrassed to tell the woman her diagnosis.
More candid talk about the vagina can only be more empowering for women and girls.
Thursday, July 26, 2007
Vajayjay Talk
Thursday, July 26, 2007
Vajayjay Talk
I have this friend who had a chronic terrible itchy horrible nightmarish recurring yeast infection for 3 years. Well, actually she thought it was a yeast infection, but she kept going to the doctor and the yeast infection culture kept coming back negative. He ran a bunch of tests and she tested negative for all the other vaginal infections as well. She was constantly spending money to try the Diflucan and the over the counter yeast infection medicine and none of it was really helping.
She noticed that it always flared up after sex. She started to think maybe it was psychosomatic, you know maybe her vagina was just getting pissed off about the nature of its sex life or something. Like that Sex in the City episode where Charlotte’s vagina gets depressed? Like that. Her vagina felt angry and pissed off more than depressed. It would wake her in the night screaming and agitated. This problem with her vagina was really getting to her, leaking into her personality and making her more frustrated and agitated than normal. Hell, can you imagine how frustrated and upset you’d be if YOU had an incurable yeast infection for 3 years?
Finally, after a couple of years of Ob/GYN appointments the doctor tells her that he’s giving her a prescription steroid – finally relief. The prescription was called clotrimazole.
A few months later her baby got a terrible diaper rash. The nurse said to go get Lotramine AF for his rash. The nurse also happens to mention, if it’s cheaper, she should buy the jock itch cream because it’s the exact same ingredients.
So she’s comparing prices and reads the ingredients and sees the familiar word clotrimazole on the jock itch cream. The same stuff her doctor prescribed for her itchy irritated vagina.
She goes home and asks her husband, Honey, do you have jock itch?
Yeah, why do you ask? he says.
We’re not having sex again until you go get a prescription for jock itch, she tells him.
There are three lessons to this story:
*Sometimes what feels like a chronic yeast infection could be jock itch being passed back and forth between you and your partner. Try the Lotrimin isle.
*A terrible diaper rash may also be jock itch, try the Lotrimin isle.
*For some reason, even the OB/GYN, a man specializing in the vagina and used to talking about a vagina's issues, was too embarrassed to tell the woman her diagnosis.
More candid talk about the vagina can only be more empowering for women and girls.
Anonymous said...
I thought jock itch *was* a yeast infection, no?
Drs. will almost never tell you that anibiotics will wipe out all your freindly flora and cause yeast overgrowth. My poor babies had a terrible yeast rash anytime they had antibiotics. No one told me that is what it was. I had to take action myself.
If I wasn't proactive in my own healthcare I feel like no one would be. -
July 26, 2007 at 10:15 AM
- Tracee Sioux, Sioux Ink: Soul Purpose Publishing said...
I think they are both components of yeast and moisture, so yes.
However the yeast infection culture wasn't detecting a "yeast infection." The main ingredients in the medications are also different. -
July 26, 2007 at 12:44 PM
Anonymous said...
As a man, I can't possibly understand this posting unless you include a photograph of your...how you say...vajayjay.
Something tasteful and with soft lighting would be fine. -
July 27, 2007 at 3:07 AM
- Tracee Sioux, Sioux Ink: Soul Purpose Publishing said...
dream on
July 27, 2007 at 6:49 AM
- and rudeness said...
I had a similar problem to this... but thank GOD was able to figure things out a little quicker and on my own, THEN went to the doctor to ask his opinion... and turns out, I was right on.
Cause all of a sudden my vajayjay decided to be allergic to latex. (Condoms.)
Nice huh? The thing is, I have been allergic to bananas and walnuts for the past 10 years. Oddly enough, bananas/walnuts/latex are all in the same "family." (Rubber tree.)
So I started using a latex free condom, they are a little more expensive, but everything is back to normal! -
July 27, 2007 at 10:07 AM
Anonymous said...
You first anonymous.
July 27, 2007 at 11:23 AM
I thought jock itch *was* a yeast infection, no?
Drs. will almost never tell you that anibiotics will wipe out all your freindly flora and cause yeast overgrowth. My poor babies had a terrible yeast rash anytime they had antibiotics. No one told me that is what it was. I had to take action myself.
If I wasn't proactive in my own healthcare I feel like no one would be.
I think they are both components of yeast and moisture, so yes.
However the yeast infection culture wasn't detecting a "yeast infection." The main ingredients in the medications are also different.
As a man, I can't possibly understand this posting unless you include a photograph of your...how you say...vajayjay.
Something tasteful and with soft lighting would be fine.
dream on
I had a similar problem to this... but thank GOD was able to figure things out a little quicker and on my own, THEN went to the doctor to ask his opinion... and turns out, I was right on.
Cause all of a sudden my vajayjay decided to be allergic to latex. (Condoms.)
Nice huh? The thing is, I have been allergic to bananas and walnuts for the past 10 years. Oddly enough, bananas/walnuts/latex are all in the same "family." (Rubber tree.)
So I started using a latex free condom, they are a little more expensive, but everything is back to normal!
You first anonymous.
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