by Tracee Sioux
I'm scared.
Of course you're scared.
Brave means you do something even though you're scared. You're B-R-A-V-E, Brave. You always have been.
I'm afraid you'll let go of me.
Well, I already let go of you and guess what? You rode the bike. You know how to do this. It's about balance. Balance is in your mind.
I'm afraid I'll fall.
Yeah. You'll probably fall sometimes. So what? That's doesn't mean you don't ride the bike. Ridding a bike is one of the funnest parts of childhood. It's okay to fall. You just get back on.
What if I get hurt?
Then you just brush it off and try again. Getting hurt isn't the end of the world. Riding a bike is worth a few skinned knees.
I need more time to think about this.
Maybe when I'm six.
You should make a goal to do it before you turn six. That's in 3 days. You have 3 whole days to learn to ride a bike while you're still 5.
If I ride to the car will you go exploring in the woods with me?
I will if you ride to that tree.
That's too far.
It only looks far. But on a bike it's fast. You're brave. You can do this.
I want to pray about it. Ask God to make me able to ride the bike without falling.
Great idea - do it. The Bible says, you can do anything through Christ Our Lord who strengthens you.
God, please let me ride the bike without falling, name of Jesus Christ Amen.
You can do this. You are brave. What's brave?
You're scared but you do it anyway.
Right. Go.
Daddy, Daddy I rode my bike all the way to the tree!
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