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Wednesday, October 3, 2007


What is there to say? This is what we do to girls in this country and it has devastating effects on them, on us. They are born beautiful and then . . .

The onslaught of terrible images of their worth related to a beauty ideal, weight management, and self-loathing. In short, we make them things and not people. We care more about how women look more than who they are.

The thing about women is that we begin to participate, all of us, to some degree. I'm no exception.

This isn't harmless. It manifests in us, females, as depression, anxiety, body image issues like anorexia or obesity, sexual acting out, objectification and self-sexualization.

We allow them to turn our bodies into objects and then to do it to our daughters. Our daughters deserve better than this. I know mine does. Mine deserves to feel valued for who she is not what she is.

I appreciate this as another tool to empower my daughter and yours. Read more about how this effects women on Blogfabulous Also lots of wisdom over at Queen of Violets.


Violet said...

Thanks for the link. I've been seeing these messages start to manifest themselves in my nieces and 11yo sis-in-law, and it breaks my heart to see them doubt themselves, to doubt their value. I just want them to realize how amazing and beautiful they are.

Anonymous said...

That was an amazing film! Bravo Dove...bravo!

Anonymous said...

Yes, isn't it great, great, great.

bmg mom said...

Wow. Thanks for posting that video. I doubt I would have seen it otherwise. Sad, sorry state, isn’t it?

Tracee Sioux, Sioux Ink: Soul Purpose Publishing said...

bmg mom,

Yes, it's sad and it's sorry. We owe our girls and our selves better than this.

Don't you think?

Kathe said...

This video is no longer available through that link. Do you know of any other way to view it?

Wednesday, October 3, 2007


What is there to say? This is what we do to girls in this country and it has devastating effects on them, on us. They are born beautiful and then . . .

The onslaught of terrible images of their worth related to a beauty ideal, weight management, and self-loathing. In short, we make them things and not people. We care more about how women look more than who they are.

The thing about women is that we begin to participate, all of us, to some degree. I'm no exception.

This isn't harmless. It manifests in us, females, as depression, anxiety, body image issues like anorexia or obesity, sexual acting out, objectification and self-sexualization.

We allow them to turn our bodies into objects and then to do it to our daughters. Our daughters deserve better than this. I know mine does. Mine deserves to feel valued for who she is not what she is.

I appreciate this as another tool to empower my daughter and yours. Read more about how this effects women on Blogfabulous Also lots of wisdom over at Queen of Violets.


Violet said...

Thanks for the link. I've been seeing these messages start to manifest themselves in my nieces and 11yo sis-in-law, and it breaks my heart to see them doubt themselves, to doubt their value. I just want them to realize how amazing and beautiful they are.

Anonymous said...

That was an amazing film! Bravo Dove...bravo!

Anonymous said...

Yes, isn't it great, great, great.

bmg mom said...

Wow. Thanks for posting that video. I doubt I would have seen it otherwise. Sad, sorry state, isn’t it?

Tracee Sioux, Sioux Ink: Soul Purpose Publishing said...

bmg mom,

Yes, it's sad and it's sorry. We owe our girls and our selves better than this.

Don't you think?

Kathe said...

This video is no longer available through that link. Do you know of any other way to view it?