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Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Empowering Girls: Bossy Girls

89E5FC0E-988C-4F85-BF87-2B4A69EB0608.jpgKathleen Deveny has a great article in Newsweek titled In Praise of Bossy Girls, about how we hear girls, but never boys, called Bossy when they take charge.

We ask girls to walk a fine line between being strong and being likable. It's a line we typically allow boys to trample.

What's next?

Well, you KNOW what's next, because it's either happened to you or you've used all your powers of "nice" to avoid it.

As little girls they call us bossy. As women they call us BITCHY.

Praise your bossy daughter today! She's showing signs of being a leader.


Anonymous said...

AMEN! (this "bossy/bitchy" girl has learned to embrace it!)

Lynnie said...

Yep, as a teacher I've learned to look at ANY annoying-seeming trait in a child and tell myself, "picture how this trait will serve them in twenty years." That mantra gets me through many the difficult moment with difficult kids.

Tracee Sioux, Sioux Ink: Soul Purpose Publishing said...

That's a great tip Lynnie.

I have a friend who worries that her child is disobedient because he's super smart and ubber curious.

I tell her as an adult obedience isn't necessarily the best characteristic.

Anonymous said...

My dd is like this and I know as she goes out into the world (to college in 2 months) NO ONE will push her around or dominate her,and for me that's a great feeling. As a little girl, several times I had other Moms tell me she was bossy. What I observed was a "take charge" girl and I never tried to change her. Women need "guts" to succeed in our male dominated world!

Anonymous said...

Praising my bossy daughter right now;) I'm loving your site. Subscribed now. We have a lot in common!

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Empowering Girls: Bossy Girls

89E5FC0E-988C-4F85-BF87-2B4A69EB0608.jpgKathleen Deveny has a great article in Newsweek titled In Praise of Bossy Girls, about how we hear girls, but never boys, called Bossy when they take charge.

We ask girls to walk a fine line between being strong and being likable. It's a line we typically allow boys to trample.

What's next?

Well, you KNOW what's next, because it's either happened to you or you've used all your powers of "nice" to avoid it.

As little girls they call us bossy. As women they call us BITCHY.

Praise your bossy daughter today! She's showing signs of being a leader.


Anonymous said...

AMEN! (this "bossy/bitchy" girl has learned to embrace it!)

Lynnie said...

Yep, as a teacher I've learned to look at ANY annoying-seeming trait in a child and tell myself, "picture how this trait will serve them in twenty years." That mantra gets me through many the difficult moment with difficult kids.

Tracee Sioux, Sioux Ink: Soul Purpose Publishing said...

That's a great tip Lynnie.

I have a friend who worries that her child is disobedient because he's super smart and ubber curious.

I tell her as an adult obedience isn't necessarily the best characteristic.

Anonymous said...

My dd is like this and I know as she goes out into the world (to college in 2 months) NO ONE will push her around or dominate her,and for me that's a great feeling. As a little girl, several times I had other Moms tell me she was bossy. What I observed was a "take charge" girl and I never tried to change her. Women need "guts" to succeed in our male dominated world!

Anonymous said...

Praising my bossy daughter right now;) I'm loving your site. Subscribed now. We have a lot in common!