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Monday, April 14, 2008

Empowering Girls: Ainsley's A Perfect Student


The other day I was volunteering at Ainsley's school for the book fair.

The music teacher came out of his classroom just to speak to me.

"Ainsley is such a leader. She always listens and follows directions. She remembers the words to songs and helps the other kids. She's a great student and we're so glad to have her at our school. You did a great job with her."

Imagine the clownish grin spreading across my face.


Crystal Gable said...


Violet said...

And the book fair - I LOVED the book fair at my elementary school.

Tracee Sioux, Sioux Ink: Soul Purpose Publishing said...

I worked for 2 hours for a 2 free books. No men did. What does that say?

Violet said...

That they probably have better jobs? My guy would have done it.

Monday, April 14, 2008

Empowering Girls: Ainsley's A Perfect Student


The other day I was volunteering at Ainsley's school for the book fair.

The music teacher came out of his classroom just to speak to me.

"Ainsley is such a leader. She always listens and follows directions. She remembers the words to songs and helps the other kids. She's a great student and we're so glad to have her at our school. You did a great job with her."

Imagine the clownish grin spreading across my face.


Crystal Gable said...


Violet said...

And the book fair - I LOVED the book fair at my elementary school.

Tracee Sioux, Sioux Ink: Soul Purpose Publishing said...

I worked for 2 hours for a 2 free books. No men did. What does that say?

Violet said...

That they probably have better jobs? My guy would have done it.